© Royal_Cine / casaB


Guest Artist: Nathalie Mansoux / Royal_Cine
6 NOV, 4 DEC, 13 + 27 APR, 11 + 25 MAY
E.B. 2.3 Tecnopólis

Paying homage to Film Clubs, historic spaces of resistance, thought and gathering of people, we’ve challenged the EB23 Tecnopólis school in Lagos to initiate with us a school film club, under the guidance and mediation of director Nathalie Mansoux/project Royal_Cine, counting on the participation of two 7th grade classes.

Throughout the academic year 6 screening sessions of films that marked specific parts of the history of cinema – from the cinema of the 40s to contemporary cinema – will take place.
Each session, accompanied by a house programme, will be preceded by a theoretical introduction to the historic-cinematographic context in which the film is inserted, and it will be followed, in the end, by a conversation engaged by all participants – students, professors, and both Royal_Cine and Gymnasium teams, creating therefore a temporary community of viewers at the school.

Session #1 (6 NOV 2020): BICYCLE THIEVES, by Vittorio De Sica
Session #2 (4 DEC 2020): THE 400 BLOWS, by François Truffaut
Session #3
(13 APR 2021): THE SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, by Victor Erice
Session #4 (27 ABR 2021) A STONE IN THE POCKET, by Joaquim Pinto
Session #5 (11 MAI 2021) WADJDA, by Haifaa al Mansour
Session #6 (25 MAI 2021) SUN INSIDE, by Jo Serfaty

Nathalie Mansoux is an author / film director. She studied Social Anthropology at Paris X-Nanterre University of at ISCTE, in Lisbon, where she works since 2001.
Through anthropology and cinematography, her personal work explores human experience, with its struggles and uncertainties, in the transitional space in which the filmed territories are transformed into other places, with different values, real and symbolic.
Her films have been presented at international film festivals such as Cinéma du Réel, FidMarseille, IndieLisboa (Via de Acesso – best Portuguese film award).
She also teaches in workshops on writing, filmmaking and cinema awareness, and often collaborates with several production companies and with Cinemateca Portuguesa as a translator.

Il Sogno Mio d’Amore (doc., 100’, 2018), co-directed with Miguel Moraes Cabral
Dom Fradique (fiction, 40’, 2017)
Deportado (doc., 67’, 2012)
Via de Acesso (doc, 82′, 2008)
De Paso por Juchitán (doc., 26’, 2001), co-directed with Pedro Fidalgo

Royal_Cine is a social intervention project based on cinema, its goal being the creation of alternative and complementary practices and experiences to academic curricula and to the cultural offer in the midst of the academic communities. We work cinema as artistic language, a tool for raising awareness, creative inclusion and a resource for thinking different socio-cultural realities. We aim to act in contexts of structural inequalities to extent the possibilities for children/youth to use, consume, and critically appropriate the forms of audiovisual expression and communication.