© Aly Soliman
© Aly Soliman


Guest Artists: Gustavo Ciríaco with  Ali Talaat
16 > 19 APR 2024
Escola Secundária Gil Eanes, Lagos

The choreographer Gustavo Ciríaco returns to GYMNASIUM for a second artistic experimentation lab with an 11th grade class from the Gil Eanes Secondary School in Lagos.

Accompanied by Egyptian architect and artist Ali Talaat, the work to develop with this group of young people dialogues with the Tools For Tomorrows project, in a cross between If Copy Then Value, a research project on ownership and authorship initiated by Ali, and Yesterday’s Tomorrows, the performative learning platform conceived by Ciríaco.
By merging choreography (Ciríaco) and object design (Talaat), these sessions seek to create the basis for a landscape and a context for interaction.