Guest Artist: SANDRO WILLIAM JUNQUEIRA 09 > 13 Out 2023 E.B. 1 Santa Maria + E.B. 1 Bairro Operário, Lagos
The idea for this meeting arose from the book The Words That Escaped the Dictionary.
By carrying out a series of exercises and games and sharing experiences, the aim is to discover with the children some of the mysterious mechanisms of writing and imagination.
The suggested exercises/challenges and games are based on letters, words and language deviations. The aim is for each child to challenge their creativity, stimulate their imagination and write.
Sandro William Junqueira was born in 1974.
He has published:
The Executioner’s Notebook – Caminho 2009
A Piano for High Horses – Caminho and Leya Brasil, 2012
In Heaven There Are No Lemons – Caminho 2014
(Finalist for the Grand Prize for Novels and Novellas from the Portuguese Society of Authors 2015)
The Singer Lying Down – Caminho 2015
(Nominated for Best Children’s Book at the 2016 Authors’ Prize – SPA)
The Great Journey of Little Mi – Caminho 2016
When Giraffes Put Their Necks Down – Caminho 2017
(Nominated for Best Novel for the Authors’ Prize 2018 – SPA)
The Words That Escaped the Dictionary – Caminho 2018
(Winner of the Best Children’s Book for the Authors’ Prize 2018 – SPA)
The Bled Family – Caminho 2021
A Shot in the Dark – Relógio D’Água Editores
He has been translated into English, German, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Dutch.
He is currently the coordinator of the project PANOS – palcos novos palavras novas at the National Theatre D.Maria II.